Xera: Searching for Related Documents with Xemplar

Xmplar® enables you and other team members to create an ideal document to return all conceptually similar documents.
Creating this type of document reduces the need to run multiple searches, as all related concepts are contained within a single document.
The main steps for creating and searching for conceptually similar documents are as follows:
1. Create a document. Create a document that contains ideas of items you want to find.
*ID: The number used to identify the Xmplar search and document. This is used in the Search syntax.
*Created By/Created Date: The user who created the Xmplar document, and the date it was created.
*Personal: Indicates if the document you created is available only to you. This cannot be changed.
2. Add sections to the document. You can enable or disable each section for specific search and document requirements. Once the sections have been created, the following columns are updated:
*Sync Date: The date a section was added, activated, or deactivated.
*Count: The number of all sections in the document.

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